Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Holdur Car Rental emphasizes that its activities are in harmony with society and the environment as a whole. The company strives to constantly look for ways to improve towards sustainability and thus take responsibility for the impact its operations have. In keeping with that goal, the company analyzes its impact on the environment, social factors and governance, and works to reduce the negative impact and increase the positive impact that the business has on its internal and external environment.
The company not only focuses on increasing sustainability in its core business, but the company also wants to contribute to increasing sustainability in society as a whole, i.a. by being a leader in the shift towards renewable energy in land transport.
Environmental factors
Höldur emphasizes responsible use of resources and the minimization of waste and release of greenhouse gases. The company works on continuous improvements in environmental matters to minimize the environmental impact of the company's operations.
- Holdur Car Rental sets annual targets for the relative increase of clean energy vehicles in its fleet
- Holdur Car Rentalsorts waste and hazardous materials generated by the company
- Holdur Car Rental emphasizes environmental awareness among employees
- Holdur Car Rental´s employees work on soil preservation with annual tree planting events
Social factors
Höldur strives to be an excellent workplace where every employee is cared for. With an emphasis on equality, equal opportunities for professional development and a constructive company culture, Holdur Car Rental has created a desirable and cohesive workplace. Staff, their knowledge, skills and experience are the company's most valuable asset. The company has its headquarters in Akureyri and operations across the country and will continue to offer job opportunities in rural areas along with supporting its local environment.
Holdur Car Rental demonstrates social responsibility towards employees, customers and society as a whole.
- Holdur Car Rental works systematically towards ensuring safety in the workplace and promoting employee health
- Holdur Car Rental rejects all inequality and emphasizes that all employees have equal rights and opportunities within the company
- Holdur Car Rentalplans to increase the share of women within the company and maintain equal pay
- Holdur Car Rental focuses on prevention and safety in transport and uses digital technology in providing information to customers
- Holdur Car Rental loyally supports sports and cultural activities all over the country
Höldur emphasizes good governance as well as efficient and responsible use of resources. Managers and staff must maintain good business ethics towards customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Trust and reputation are important to the company. Good business practices, respect and compliance with laws and regulations are the basic values on which the company's procedures are based.
- Holdur Car Rental will publish annual sustainability reports
- Holdur Car Rentalplans to look into cooperation with suppliers with sustainability in mind
Holdur Car Rental wants to set a good example by being a leader in the shift towards renewable energy and environmental issues. Holdur Car Rental wants to ensure diverse job opportunities throughout the country and create a healthy work environment based on equality, respect and teamwork.
The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals guard the way to a better world. Emphasis will be placed on integrating those goals with the company's operations. Holdur Car Rental's core goals are: Health and well-being, Gender equality, Good employment and economic growth, Innovation and development, Responsible consumption and production, and Climate action. The company sets annual goals related to the core objectives and evaluates the results.

The company's board approves the policy and is also responsible for its regular review. The CEO is responsible for the implementation of the strategy and, together with the company's executive board, oversees sustainability projects.